“Spirali e il resto” di Nicole Marchese (collezione privata)

Archive of seminars


International Workshop on: "The Debate on the Uniform Civil Code in India: New Perspectives on Constitutional Secularism in India and Personal Laws Regimes in Asia?"

(University of Trento, 27- 28 April 2017)



International Workshop on: "Religious Pluralism, Legal Monism and Personal Law Regimes: Comparing Experiences and Trends"

(University of Trento, 29- 30 April 2016)


Conference on: "Perspectives on the Supranational Judiciary"(University of Trento, 17-18 December 2015)


Conference on: "Pluralismo Jurídico y Coordinación entre los Sistemas de Justicia Indígena y el Sistema Judicial Nacional" (Universidad Externado de Colombia, 5th June 2015)


Conference on: "Diritto e scienze della vita: verso un pluralismo sostenibile?" (University of Trento, 14th May 2015) (programme - video)


Conference on "Diversity and the Courts: Judicial Pluralism in India (University of Turin 18th-19th September 2014)


Pluralism, Religious Diversity and Methodology (Trieste, 12th September 2014)


Spring Trento European Seminar: The uncertain boundaries of the ECJ jurisdiction on fundamental rights: assessing the state of the art (Trento, 10th April 2014)


 El desarollo de las autonomías jurisdiccionales de los pueblos indígenas en las Constituciones ibero-americanas: el metodo negocial (Trento, 4th April 2014)


 International conference: Indigenous Peoples’ Sovereignty and the Limits of Judicial and Legal Pluralism (Trento, 24th-25th October 2013)


The Constitutional Status of Personal Laws in Asian Legal Pluralism (Trento, 3rd May 2013)


Winter Trento European Seminar - Il metodo nel pluralismo giuridico e nel pluralismo culturale: una prospettiva di ricerca europea (Trento, 15th February 2013)